, Ghent University: cleanup, refactoring and rewriting large parts of the code
* @version $Id: survey_list.php 12221 2007-05-01 23:23:49Z yannoo $
* @todo The invite column is not done
* @todo try to understand the white, blue, ... template stuff.
* @todo use quickforms for the forms
// name of the language file that needs to be included
$language_file = 'survey';
// including the global dokeos file
require ('../inc/global.inc.php');
// including additional libraries
//require_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH)."/survey.lib.php");
require_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH)."/course.lib.php");
/** @todo this has to be moved to a more appropriate place (after the display_header of the code)*/
if (!api_is_allowed_to_edit())
Display :: display_header();
Display :: display_error_message(get_lang('NotAllowed'), false);
Display :: display_footer();
// Database table definitions
$table_survey = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_SURVEY);
$table_survey_question = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_SURVEY_QUESTION);
$table_course = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE);
$table_user = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER);
// language variables
if (isset ($_GET['search']) && $_GET['search'] == 'advanced')
$interbreadcrumb[] = array ('url' => 'survey_list.php', 'name' => get_lang('SurveyList'));
$tool_name = get_lang('SearchASurvey');
$tool_name = get_lang('SurveyList');
// Header
Display :: display_header($tool_name);
// Action handling: searching
if (isset ($_GET['search']) AND $_GET['search'] == 'advanced')
// Action handling: deleting a survey
if (isset($_GET['action']) AND $_GET['action'] == 'delete' AND isset($_GET['survey_id']) AND is_numeric($_GET['survey_id']))
// getting the information of the survey (used for when the survey is shared)
$survey_data = survey_manager::get_survey($_GET['survey_id']);
// if the survey is shared => also delete the shared content
if (is_numeric($survey_data['survey_share']))
survey_manager::delete_survey($survey_data['survey_share'], true);
$return = survey_manager :: delete_survey($_GET['survey_id']);
if ($return)
Display :: display_confirmation_message(get_lang('SurveyDeleted'), false);
Display :: display_error_message(get_lang('ErrorOccurred'), false);
// Action handling: performing the same action on multiple surveys
if ($_POST['action'])
if (is_array($_POST['id']))
foreach ($_POST['id'] as $key=>$value)
// getting the information of the survey (used for when the survey is shared)
$survey_data = survey_manager::get_survey($value);
// if the survey is shared => also delete the shared content
if (is_numeric($survey_data['survey_share']))
survey_manager::delete_survey($survey_data['survey_share'], true);
// delete the actual survey
Display :: display_confirmation_message(get_lang('SurveysDeleted'), false);
Display :: display_error_message(get_lang('NoSurveysSelected'), false);
// Action links
echo ''.get_lang('CreateNewSurvey').' | ';
//echo ''.get_lang('CreateExistingSurvey').' | ';
echo ''.get_lang('Search').'';
// Main content
// Footer
Display :: display_footer();
* This function displays the form for searching a survey
* @return html code
* @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University
* @version January 2007
* @todo use quickforms
* @todo consider moving this to surveymanager.inc.lib.php
function display_survey_search_form()
echo '';
* This function displays the sortable table with all the surveys
* @return html code
* @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University
* @version January 2007
function display_survey_list()
if ($_GET['do_search'])
$message = get_lang('DisplaySearchResults').' ';
$message .= ''.get_lang('DisplayAll').'';
Display::display_normal_message($message, false);
// Create a sortable table with survey-data
$table = new SortableTable('surveys', 'get_number_of_surveys', 'get_survey_data',2);
$table->set_header(0, '', false);
$table->set_header(1, get_lang('SurveyName'));
$table->set_header(2, get_lang('SurveyCode'));
$table->set_header(3, get_lang('NumberOfQuestions'));
$table->set_header(4, get_lang('Author'));
$table->set_header(5, get_lang('Language'));
$table->set_header(6, get_lang('Shared'));
$table->set_header(7, get_lang('AvailableFrom'));
$table->set_header(8, get_lang('AvailableUntill'));
$table->set_header(9, get_lang('Invite'));
$table->set_header(10, get_lang('Modify'), false);
$table->set_column_filter(10, 'modify_filter');
$table->set_form_actions(array ('delete' => get_lang('DeleteSurvey')));
* This function calculates the total number of surveys
* @return integer
* @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University
* @version January 2007
function get_number_of_surveys()
global $table_survey;
$search_restriction = survey_search_restriction();
if ($search_restriction)
$search_restriction = 'WHERE '.$search_restriction;
$sql = "SELECT count(survey_id) AS total_number_of_items FROM ".$table_survey.' '.$search_restriction;
$res = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$obj = mysql_fetch_object($res);
return $obj->total_number_of_items;
* This function gets all the survey data that is to be displayed in the sortable table
* @param unknown_type $from
* @param unknown_type $number_of_items
* @param unknown_type $column
* @param unknown_type $direction
* @return unknown
* @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University
* @version January 2007
function get_survey_data($from, $number_of_items, $column, $direction)
global $table_survey;
global $table_user;
global $table_survey_question;
// searching
$search_restriction = survey_search_restriction();
if ($search_restriction)
$search_restriction = ' AND '.$search_restriction;
$sql = "SELECT
survey.survey_id AS col0,
CONCAT('',survey.title,'') AS col1,
survey.code AS col2,
count(survey_question.question_id) AS col3,
CONCAT(user.firstname, ' ', user.lastname) AS col4,
survey.lang AS col5,
IF(is_shared<>0,'V','-') AS col6,
survey.avail_from AS col7,
survey.avail_till AS col8,
CONCAT('',survey.answered,' / ',survey.invited, '') AS col9,
survey.survey_id AS col10
FROM $table_survey survey
LEFT JOIN $table_survey_question survey_question ON survey.survey_id = survey_question.survey_id
, $table_user user
WHERE survey.author = user.user_id
$sql .= " GROUP BY survey.survey_id";
$sql .= " ORDER BY col$column $direction ";
$sql .= " LIMIT $from,$number_of_items";
$res = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$surveys = array ();
while ($survey = mysql_fetch_row($res))
$surveys[] = $survey;
return $surveys;
* This function changes the modify column of the sortable table
* @param integer $survey_id the id of the survey
* @return html code that are the actions that can be performed on any survey
* @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University
* @version January 2007
function modify_filter($survey_id)
$return = ''.Display::return_icon('edit.gif', get_lang('Edit')).'';
$return .= ''.Display::return_icon('delete.gif', get_lang('Delete')).'';
//$return .= ''.Display::return_icon('copy.gif', get_lang('Copy')).'';
//$return .= ''.Display::return_icon('add.gif', get_lang('Add')).'';
$return .= ''.Display::return_icon('preview.gif', get_lang('Preview')).'';
$return .= ''.Display::return_icon('survey_publish.gif', get_lang('Publish')).'';
$return .= ''.Display::return_icon('statistics.gif', get_lang('Reporting')).'';
return $return;
* this function handles the search restriction for the SQL statements
* @return false or a part of a SQL statement
* @author Patrick Cool , Ghent University
* @version January 2007
function survey_search_restriction()
if ($_GET['do_search'])
if ($_GET['keyword_title']<>'')
$search_term[] = 'title =\''.Database::escape_string($_GET['keyword_title']).'\'';
if ($_GET['keyword_code']<>'')
$search_term[] = 'code =\''.Database::escape_string($_GET['keyword_code']).'\'';
if ($_GET['keyword_language']<>'%')
$search_term[] = 'lang =\''.Database::escape_string($_GET['keyword_language']).'\'';
$search_restriction = implode(' AND ', $search_term);
return $search_restriction;
return false;