@ -42,9 +42,11 @@ OC.MountConfig={
} ) ;
if ( $ ( '#externalStorage' ) . data ( 'admin' ) === true ) {
var multiselect = $ ( tr ) . find ( '.chzn-select' ) . val ( ) ;
var multiselect = $ ( tr ) . find ( '.applicableUsers' ) . select2 ( 'val' ) ;
if ( multiselect == null ) {
return false ;
} else if ( multiselect instanceof Array && multiselect . length === 0 ) {
multiselect . push ( 'all' ) ;
if ( addMountPoint ) {
@ -166,7 +168,138 @@ OC.MountConfig={
} ;
$ ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) {
$ ( '.chzn-select' ) . chosen ( ) ;
//initialize hidden input field with list of users and groups
$ ( '#externalStorage' ) . find ( 'tr:not(#addMountPoint)' ) . each ( function ( i , tr ) {
var applicable = $ ( tr ) . find ( '.applicable' ) ;
if ( applicable . length > 0 ) {
var groups = applicable . data ( 'applicable-groups' ) ;
var groupsId = [ ] ;
$ . each ( groups , function ( ) {
groupsId . push ( this + "(group)" ) ;
} ) ;
var users = applicable . data ( 'applicable-users' ) ;
if ( users . indexOf ( 'all' ) > - 1 ) {
$ ( tr ) . find ( '.applicableUsers' ) . val ( '' ) ;
} else {
$ ( tr ) . find ( '.applicableUsers' ) . val ( groupsId . concat ( users ) . join ( ',' ) ) ;
} ) ;
var userListLimit = 30 ;
function addSelect2 ( $elements ) {
if ( $elements . length > 0 ) {
$elements . select2 ( {
placeholder : t ( 'files_external' , 'All users. Type to select user or group.' ) ,
allowClear : true ,
multiple : true ,
//minimumInputLength: 1,
ajax : {
url : OC . generateUrl ( 'apps/files_external/applicable' ) ,
dataType : 'json' ,
quietMillis : 100 ,
data : function ( term , page ) { // page is the one-based page number tracked by Select2
return {
pattern : term , //search term
limit : userListLimit , // page size
offset : userListLimit * ( page - 1 ) , // page number starts with 0
} ;
} ,
results : function ( data , page ) {
if ( data . status === "success" ) {
var results = [ ] ;
var userCount = 0 ; // users is an object
// add groups
$ . each ( data . groups , function ( i , group ) {
results . push ( { name : group + '(group)' , displayname : group , type : 'group' } ) ;
} ) ;
// add users
$ . each ( data . users , function ( id , user ) {
userCount ++ ;
results . push ( { name : id , displayname : user , type : 'user' } ) ;
} ) ;
var more = ( userCount >= userListLimit ) || ( data . groups . length >= userListLimit ) ;
return { results : results , more : more } ;
} else {
//FIXME add error handling
} ,
initSelection : function ( element , callback ) {
var promises = [ ] ;
var results = [ ] ;
$ ( element . val ( ) . split ( "," ) ) . each ( function ( i , userId ) {
var def = new $ . Deferred ( ) ;
promises . push ( def . promise ( ) ) ;
var pos = userId . indexOf ( '(group)' ) ;
if ( pos !== - 1 ) {
//add as group
results . push ( { name : userId , displayname : userId . substr ( 0 , pos ) , type : 'group' } ) ;
def . resolve ( ) ;
} else {
$ . ajax ( OC . generateUrl ( 'apps/files_external/applicable' ) , {
data : {
pattern : userId
} ,
dataType : "json"
} ) . done ( function ( data ) {
if ( data . status === "success" ) {
if ( data . users [ userId ] ) {
results . push ( { name : userId , displayname : data . users [ userId ] , type : 'user' } ) ;
def . resolve ( ) ;
} else {
//FIXME add error handling
} ) ;
} ) ;
$ . when . apply ( undefined , promises ) . then ( function ( ) {
callback ( results ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
id : function ( element ) {
return element . name ;
} ,
formatResult : function ( element ) {
var $result = $ ( '<span><div class="avatardiv"/><span>' + escapeHTML ( element . displayname ) + '</span></span>' ) ;
var $div = $result . find ( '.avatardiv' )
. attr ( 'data-type' , element . type )
. attr ( 'data-name' , element . name )
. attr ( 'data-displayname' , element . displayname ) ;
if ( element . type === 'group' ) {
var url = OC . imagePath ( 'core' , 'places/contacts-dark' ) ; // TODO better group icon
$div . html ( '<img width="32" height="32" src="' + url + '">' ) ;
return $result . get ( 0 ) . outerHTML ;
} ,
formatSelection : function ( element ) {
if ( element . type === 'group' ) {
return '<span title="' + escapeHTML ( element . name ) + '" class="group">' + escapeHTML ( element . displayname + ' ' + t ( 'files_external' , '(group)' ) ) + '</span>' ;
} else {
return '<span title="' + escapeHTML ( element . name ) + '" class="user">' + escapeHTML ( element . displayname ) + '</span>' ;
} ,
escapeMarkup : function ( m ) { return m ; } // we escape the markup in formatResult and formatSelection
} ) . on ( "select2-loaded" , function ( ) {
$ . each ( $ ( ".avatardiv" ) , function ( i , div ) {
$div = $ ( div ) ;
if ( $div . data ( 'type' ) === 'user' ) {
$div . avatar ( $div . data ( 'name' ) , 32 ) ;
} )
} ) ;
addSelect2 ( $ ( 'tr:not(#addMountPoint) .applicableUsers' ) ) ;
$ ( '#externalStorage' ) . on ( 'change' , '#selectBackend' , function ( ) {
var tr = $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) ;
@ -209,15 +342,11 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
return false ;
} ) ;
// Reset chosen
var chosen = $ ( tr ) . find ( '.applicable select' ) ;
chosen . parent ( ) . find ( 'div' ) . remove ( ) ;
chosen . removeAttr ( 'id' ) . removeClass ( 'chzn-done' ) . css ( { display : 'inline-block' } ) ;
chosen . chosen ( ) ;
$ ( tr ) . find ( 'td' ) . last ( ) . attr ( 'class' , 'remove' ) ;
$ ( tr ) . find ( 'td' ) . last ( ) . removeAttr ( 'style' ) ;
$ ( tr ) . removeAttr ( 'id' ) ;
$ ( this ) . remove ( ) ;
addSelect2 ( $ ( 'tr:not(#addMountPoint) .applicableUsers' ) ) ;
} ) ;
function suggestMountPoint ( defaultMountPoint ) {
@ -270,8 +399,8 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
OC . MountConfig . saveStorage ( $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#externalStorage' ) . on ( 'change' , '.applicable .chzn-select ' , function ( ) {
OC . MountConfig . saveStorage ( $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) ) ;
$ ( '#externalStorage' ) . on ( 'change' , '.applicable' , function ( ) {
OC . MountConfig . saveStorage ( $ ( this ) . parent ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#sslCertificate' ) . on ( 'click' , 'td.remove>img' , function ( ) {