Merge pull request #344 from owncloud/ldap_fix_objectguid

Ldap fix reatrieval of objectguid (AD), more error checking
Thomas Müller 13 years ago
commit 743d01d4a6
  1. 42

@ -73,7 +73,13 @@ abstract class Access {
if(isset($result[$attr]) && $result[$attr]['count'] > 0) {
$values = array();
for($i=0;$i<$result[$attr]['count'];$i++) {
$values[] = $this->resemblesDN($attr) ? $this->sanitizeDN($result[$attr][$i]) : $result[$attr][$i];
if($this->resemblesDN($attr)) {
$values[] = $this->sanitizeDN($result[$attr][$i]);
} elseif(strtolower($attr) == 'objectguid') {
$values[] = $this->convertObjectGUID2Str($result[$attr][$i]);
} else {
$values[] = $result[$attr][$i];
return $values;
@ -510,6 +516,12 @@ abstract class Access {
$link_resource = $this->connection->getConnectionResource();
if(is_resource($link_resource)) {
$sr = ldap_search($link_resource, $base, $filter, $attr);
if(!is_resource($sr)) {
$errmsg = '('.ldap_errno($link_resource).') ' . ldap_error($link_resource);
$errmsg .= ', search filter: ' . $filter;
\OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap', 'Search: no result resource, LDAP error message: ' . $errmsg, \OCP\Util::ERROR);
return array();
$findings = ldap_get_entries($link_resource, $sr );
// if we're here, probably no connection resource is returned.
@ -686,4 +698,32 @@ abstract class Access {
return $uuid;
* @brief converts a binary ObjectGUID into a string representation
* @param $oguid the ObjectGUID in it's binary form as retrieved from AD
* @returns String
* converts a binary ObjectGUID into a string representation
private function convertObjectGUID2Str($oguid) {
$hex_guid = bin2hex($oguid);
$hex_guid_to_guid_str = '';
for($k = 1; $k <= 4; ++$k) {
$hex_guid_to_guid_str .= substr($hex_guid, 8 - 2 * $k, 2);
$hex_guid_to_guid_str .= '-';
for($k = 1; $k <= 2; ++$k) {
$hex_guid_to_guid_str .= substr($hex_guid, 12 - 2 * $k, 2);
$hex_guid_to_guid_str .= '-';
for($k = 1; $k <= 2; ++$k) {
$hex_guid_to_guid_str .= substr($hex_guid, 16 - 2 * $k, 2);
$hex_guid_to_guid_str .= '-' . substr($hex_guid, 16, 4);
$hex_guid_to_guid_str .= '-' . substr($hex_guid, 20);
return strtoupper($hex_guid_to_guid_str);