@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ |
var prefix, |
property, |
// In Opera, `'onfocusin' in document == true`, hence the extra `hasFocus` check to detect IE-like behavior
// In Opera, `'onfocusin' in document == true`, hence the extra `hasFocus` check to detect IE-like behavior
eventName = 'onfocusin' in document && 'hasFocus' in document ? 'focusin focusout' : 'focus blur', |
prefixes = ['', 'moz', 'ms', 'o', 'webkit'], |
$support = $.support, |
@ -19,12 +19,11 @@ |
$(/blur$/.test(eventName) ? window : document).on(eventName, function (event) { |
var type = event.type, |
originalEvent = event.originalEvent, |
toElement = originalEvent.toElement; |
// If it’s a `{focusin,focusout}` event (IE), `fromElement` and `toElement` should both be `null` or `undefined`;
// else, the page visibility hasn’t changed, but the user just clicked somewhere in the doc.
// In IE9, we need to check the `relatedTarget` property instead.
if (!/^focus./.test(type) || (toElement == undefined && originalEvent.fromElement == undefined && originalEvent.relatedTarget == undefined)) { |
originalEvent = event.originalEvent; |
// If it’s a `{focusin,focusout}` event (IE), `fromElement` and `toElement` should both be `null` or `undefined`;
// else, the page visibility hasn’t changed, but the user just clicked somewhere in the doc.
// In IE9, we need to check the `relatedTarget` property instead.
if (!/^focus./.test(type) || originalEvent == undefined || (originalEvent.toElement == undefined && originalEvent.fromElement == undefined && originalEvent.relatedTarget == undefined)) { |
$event.trigger((property && document[property] || /^(?:blur|focusout)$/.test(type) ? 'hide' : 'show') + '.visibility'); |
} |
}); |