@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
* ownCloud
* @author Frank Karlitschek
* @author Michael Gapczynski
* @copyright 2012 Frank Karlitschek frank@owncloud.org
* @copyright 2012 Michael Gapczynski mtgap@owncloud.com
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
@ -32,54 +34,48 @@ class OC_OCS {
* reads input date from get/post/cookies and converts the date to a special data-type
* @param variable $key
* @param variable-type $type
* @param priority $getpriority
* @param default $default
* @return data
* @param string HTTP method to read the key from
* @param string Parameter to read
* @param string Variable type to format data
* @param mixed Default value to return if the key is not found
* @return mixed Data or if the key is not found and no default is set it will exit with a 400 Bad request
public static function readData($key,$type='raw',$getpriority=false,$default='' ) {
if($getpriority ) {
if (isset($_GET[$key])) {
$data= $_GET[$key];
} elseif(isset($_POST[$key] )) {
$data=$_POST[$key] ;
public static function readData($method, $key, $type = 'raw', $default = null ) {
if ($method == 'get' ) {
if (isset($_GET[$key])) {
$data = $_GET[$key];
} else if (isset($default )) {
return $default ;
} else {
if($default=='') {
if(($type=='int') or ($type=='float')) $data=0; else $data='';
$data = false;
} else if ($method == 'post') {
if (isset($_POST[$key])) {
$data = $_POST[$key];
} else if (isset($default)) {
return $default;
} else {
$data = false ;
if ($data === false) {
echo self::generateXml('', 'fail', 400, 'Bad request. Please provide a valid '.$key);
} else {
if(isset($_POST[$key])) {
} elseif(isset($_GET[$key])) {
} elseif(isset($_COOKIE[$key])) {
} else {
if($default=='') {
if(($type=='int') or ($type=='float')) $data=0; else $data='';
} else {
// NOTE: Is the raw type necessary? It might be a little risky without sanitization
if ($type == 'raw') return $data;
elseif ($type == 'text') return OC_Util::sanitizeHTML($data);
elseif ($type == 'int') return (int) $data;
elseif ($type == 'float') return (float) $data;
elseif ($type == 'array') return OC_Util::sanitizeHTML($data);
else return OC_Util::sanitizeHTML($data);
if($type=='raw') return($data);
elseif($type=='text') return(addslashes(strip_tags($data)));
elseif($type=='int') { $data = (int) $data; return($data); }
elseif($type=='float') { $data = (float) $data; return($data); }
elseif($type=='array') { $data = $data; return($data); }
main function to handle the REST request
public static function handle() {
// overwrite the 404 error page returncode
header("HTTP/1.0 200 OK");
@ -88,6 +84,7 @@ class OC_OCS {
}elseif($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'PUT') {
}elseif($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
@ -96,73 +93,92 @@ class OC_OCS {
// preprocess url
$url = strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ;
if(substr($url,(strlen($url)-1))< >'/') $url.='/';
$format = self::readData($method, 'format', 'text', '');
// eventhandler
// apiconfig - GET - CONFIG
if(($method=='get') and (strtolower($ex[$paracount-3])=='v1.php') and (strtolower($ex[$paracount-2])=='config')){
if(($method=='get') and ($ex[$paracount-3] == 'v1.php') and ($ex[$paracount-2] == 'config')){
// personcheck - POST - PERSON/CHECK
}elseif(($method=='post') and (strtolower($ex[$paracount-4])=='v1.php') and (strtolower($ex[$paracount-3])=='person') and (strtolower($ex[$paracount-2])=='check')){
}elseif(($method=='post') and ($ex[$paracount-4] == 'v1.php') and ($ex[$paracount-3]=='person') and ($ex[$paracount-2] == 'check')){
$login = self::readData($method, 'login', 'text');
$passwd = self::readData($method, 'password', 'text');
} else if ($method == 'post' & & $ex[$paracount - 4] == 'v1.php' & & $ex[$paracount - 3] == 'person' & & $ex[$paracount - 2] == 'add') {
if (OC_Group::inGroup(self::checkPassword(), 'admin')) {
$login = self::readData($method, 'login', 'text');
$password = self::readData($method, 'password', 'text');
try {
OC_User::createUser($login, $password);
echo self::generateXml($format, 'ok', 201, '');
} catch (Exception $exception) {
echo self::generateXml($format, 'fail', 400, $exception->getMessage());
} else {
echo self::generateXml($format, 'fail', 403, 'Permission denied');
// activityget - GET ACTIVITY page,pagesize als urlparameter
}elseif(($method=='get') and (strtolower($ex[$paracount-3])=='v1.php')and (strtolower($ex[$paracount-2])=='activity')){
}elseif(($method=='get') and ($ex[$paracount-3] == 'v1.php') and ($ex[$paracount-2] == 'activity')){
$page = self::readData($method, 'page', 'int', 0);
$pagesize = self::readData($method, 'pagesize','int', 10);
if($pagesize< 1 or $ pagesize > 100) $pagesize=10;
// activityput - POST ACTIVITY
}elseif(($method=='post') and (strtolower($ex[$paracount-3])=='v1.php')and (strtolower($ex[$paracount-2])=='activity')){
}elseif(($method=='post') and ($ex[$paracount-3] == 'v1.php') and ($ex[$paracount-2] == 'activity')){
$message = self::readData($method, 'message', 'text');
// get - GET DATA
}elseif(($method=='get') and (strtolower($ex[$paracount-4])=='v1.php')and (strtolower($ex[$paracount-2])=='getattribute')){
}elseif(($method=='get') and ($ex[$paracount-4] == 'v1.php') and ($ex[$paracount-2] == 'getattribute')){
}elseif(($method=='get') and (strtolower($ex[$paracount-5])=='v1.php')and (strtolower($ex[$paracount-3])=='getattribute')){
}elseif(($method=='get') and ($ex[$paracount-5] == 'v1.php') and ($ex[$paracount-3] == 'getattribute')){
OC_OCS::privateDataGet($format, $app);
}elseif(($method=='get') and (strtolower($ex[$paracount-6])=='v1.php')and (strtolower($ex[$paracount-4])== 'getattribute')){
}elseif(($method=='get') and ($ex[$paracount-6] == 'v1.php') and ($ex[$paracount-4] == 'getattribute')){
OC_OCS::privateDataGet($format, $app,$key);
// set - POST DATA
}elseif(($method=='post') and (strtolower($ex[$paracount-6])=='v1.php')and (strtolower($ex[$paracount-4])=='setattribute')){
}elseif(($method=='post') and ($ex[$paracount-6] == 'v1.php') and ($ex[$paracount-4] == 'setattribute')){
$value=OC_OCS::readdata('value', 'text');
$value = self::readData($method, 'value', 'text');
OC_OCS::privatedataset($format, $app, $key, $value);
// delete - POST DATA
}elseif(($method=='post') and (strtolower($ex[$paracount-6])=='v1.php')and (strtolower($ex[$paracount-4])=='deleteattribute')){
}elseif(($method=='post') and ($ex[$paracount-6] =='v1.php') and ($ex[$paracount-4] == 'deleteattribute')){
OC_OCS::privatedatadelete($format, $app, $key);
// quotaget - GET QUOTA parameter
}elseif(($method=='get') and ($ex[$paracount-5] == 'v1.php') and ($ex[$paracount-4]=='cloud') and ($ex[$paracount-3] == 'files') and ($ex[$paracount-2] == 'quota')){
// add more calls here
// please document all the call in the draft spec
// http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/open-collaboration-services-1.7#CLOUD
$txt='Invalid query, please check the syntax. API specifications are here: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/open-collaboration-services. DEBUG OUTPUT:'."\n";
@ -239,7 +255,6 @@ class OC_OCS {
private static function generateXml($format,$status,$statuscode,$message,$data=array(),$tag='',$tagattribute='',$dimension=-1,$itemscount='',$itemsperpage='') {
if($format=='json') {
@ -248,8 +263,6 @@ class OC_OCS {
$writer = xmlwriter_open_memory();
@ -342,7 +355,6 @@ class OC_OCS {
@ -355,7 +367,10 @@ class OC_OCS {
* @return string xml/json
private static function apiConfig($format) {
@ -412,7 +427,7 @@ class OC_OCS {
private static function activityPut($format,$message) {
// not implemented in ownCloud
$user= OC_OCS::checkpassword();
@ -525,4 +540,40 @@ class OC_OCS {
public static function deleteData($user, $app, $key) {
return OC_Preferences::deleteKey($user,$app,$key);
// CLOUD API #############################################
* get the quota of the current user
* @param string $format
* @return string xml/json
private static function quotaGet($format) {
// calculate the disc space
$user_dir = '/'.$user.'/files';
if($total==0) $total=1; // prevent division by zero
$txt=OC_OCS::generatexml($format, 'ok', 100, '', $xml, 'cloud', 'full', 1, count($xml), 0);