Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

35 lines
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<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$ModifInfo = "コ〖スの攫鼠を饯赖";
$langModifDone = "攫鼠饯赖されました";
$langDelCourse = "このコ〖スサイト链挛を猴近";
$langProfessors = "么碰兜镑";
$langFaculty = "池彩";
$langConfidentiality = "入";
$langPublic = "ログインなしに、キャンパスペ〖ジからアクセスできます。";
$langPrivOpen = "判峡荚嘎年¨判峡は材墙です。";
$langPrivate = "判峡荚嘎年¨判峡もできません。判峡されたユ〖ザ(<a href=../user/user.php>办枉</a> )のみ网脱材墙です。";
$langForbidden = "钓材されていません";
$CourseAccessConfigTip = "By default, you course is only accessible to you as its only registered user. IN case you want some confidentiality,
the simplest is to open registration during
one week, ask the students to register themselves, then close registration and check possible intruders in the users list.";
$langOpenToTheWorld = "给倡¨链坤肠に给倡します。";
$OpenToThePlatform = "给倡¨判峡されたユ〖ザに给倡します。";
$langTipLang = "この咐胳は、あなたのコ〖スのウエブサイトの链ての爽啼荚の给脱咐胳です。";
$langVid = "ヴィデオ";
$langWork = "池栏の矢今たち";
$langProgramMenu = "コ〖スプログラム";
$langAnnouncement = "お梦らせ";
$langExercise = "遍浆啼玛";
$langStats = "琵纷";
$langUplPage = "ペ〖ジとリンクをホ〖ムペ〖ジにアップロ〖ド";
$langLinkSite = "サイトをリンク";
$langCourse = "このウエブサイトは";
$langHasDel = "贷に猴近されました。";
$langBackHome = "..のホ〖ムペ〖ジに提る";
$langByDel = "このコ〖スのウエブサイトを猴近すると、そこに崔まれるすべての矢今が久えます。また池栏判峡も久えます(戮のコ〖ス判峡は痰簇犯です)。<p>塑碰に猴近しますか?</p>";
$langY = "はい";
$langN = "いいえ";
$langBackH = "コ〖スのホ〖ムペ〖ジ";