Carlos Vargas
[svn r17656] minor show search icon, and link to up or down icon in foruncategory.php see 3443
16 years ago
Isaac Flores
[svn r17655] minor - logic changes -it was changes position library -(partial FS#2459)
16 years ago
Isaac Flores
[svn r17648] logic changes - it was show only users connected - (see FS#2459)
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17647] FS#2970 - FCKEditor + Advanced file manager: Fixing a problem with inserting mp3 audio. Resizing the file manager.
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17646] FS#2970 - FCKEditor: Revision of inserting Flash objects for the simple and the advanced file managers. Checked for course documents and portal's homepage.
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17645] FS#2970 - Advanced file manager, FLV player: Corrections for proper insertong flv movies with the simple and the advanced file managers. Tested on course documents' repository and on the portal's homepage.
16 years ago
Yannick Warnier
[svn r17644] Added listing of user events
Removed courses_list deprecated nusoap webservice script
16 years ago
Yannick Warnier
[svn r17643] Improved courses list to add multiple visibility options
Renamed archive to simplify (and eliminated deprecated soap version)
16 years ago
Yannick Warnier
[svn r17642] Fixed phpdoc and result field label
16 years ago
Yannick Warnier
[svn r17641] Little improvements to new function
16 years ago
Yannick Warnier
[svn r17640] Fixed bug in dates query preventing recovery of correct events in new function
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17639] FS#2970 - Advanced file manager: Modification of the configuration option CONFIG_WEBSITE_DOCUMENT_ROOT in order to avoid its manual adjustment in certain cases.
16 years ago
Yannick Warnier
[svn r17638] Added get_personal_agenda_items_between_dates()
16 years ago
Yannick Warnier
[svn r17637] Improved lightly api_get_user_courses() (fetch status) - still missing sessions fetching implementation
16 years ago
Yannick Warnier
[svn r17636] Added function get_user_id_from_username() to get an id from a username
16 years ago
Yannick Warnier
[svn r17635] Add api_get_user_courses() to get a list of courses the user is subscribed to (with whichever status)
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17634] FS#2970 - Advanced file manager: Restoring in a compressed javascript file some lines according to the original. These lines contain code that has not been changed. The changed code stays.
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17633] FS#2970 - FCKEditor, simple file manager: Configuration corrections for editing the portal home page. To be revised again.
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17632] FS#2970 - FCKEditor, simple file manager: Some impovements fpr support of relative URLs.
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17631] FS#2970 - FCKEditor, the Documents tool: Passing FCKConfig.BaseHref configuration option to the editor.
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17630] FS#2970 - FCKEditor, embedding (mpg) movies plugin: Fixing the plugin to work with relative urls in simple file manager mode.
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17629] FS#2970 - FCKEditor, customizations plugin: Adding two functions to deal with relative urls.
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17628] FS#2970 - FCKEditor: Making the Image command capable to choose what dialog to open depending on the context. This is important for simple manager mode.
16 years ago
Carlos Vargas
[svn r17627] set correctly the breadcrumb in the group see FS#3443
16 years ago
Juan Carlos Raña
[svn r17626] add two buttons to wiki bar
16 years ago
Juan Carlos Raña
[svn r17625] fix size icons
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17623] FS#2867 - FCKEditor: Simplifying code for image-related commands.
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17621] FS#2970 - Starting to synchronize bouth versions of FCKEditor's configuration files in order they to be merged into one.
16 years ago
Jan Derriks
[svn r17620] FS#2988 - Long lines in Announcements will not show up in email and email subject,intro,signature changes.
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17619] FS#2970 - Advanced file manager: Making fileUpload.lib.php library to be always (unconditionally) loaded.
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17618] FS#2867 - FCKEditor, Image Manager: Some cosmetic changes in the code.
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17614] FS#2970 - ajaxfilemanager: A visual fix, two icons.
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17613] FS#2970 - ajaxfilemanager: Making clickable text labels (file/folder names) in detaled view.
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17612] Dokeos 1.8.6 - FCKEditor, Image Manager: Assigning a customized icon. Cleaning extra whitespace.
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17611] FS#2867 - FCKEditor: Making toolbar items (buttons) configurable.
16 years ago
Marco Villegas
[svn r17610] search: texbox on user portal for first search
16 years ago
Marco Villegas
[svn r17609] search: exercise tool: implements indexing and processor
Actually we only process title and description from exercise and questions,
but not process answers.
Process answers is posponed until find a good point where to retrieve both
question and answers data. We must treat this tool in a special way to avoid
re-indexing at one move.
16 years ago
Marco Villegas
[svn r17608] search: document tool: implements indexing and processor
To index each file we need to extract a plain text of any type of file, so we depends on other magic tools
now, there is index support for:
- text/plain index
depends on nothing
- text/rtf index
depends on unrtf
- text/html index
depends on html2text
- application/pdf index
depends on pdftotext (comes with xpdf)
- application/postscript index
depends on ps2pdf (from ghostscript) and pdftotext (comes with xpdf)
- application/msword index
depends on antiword
- by extension filter
- ppt (format supported is really application/
depends on catppt (comes with catdoc)
- pps
depends on catppt (comes with catdoc)
- xls
depends on xls2csv (comes with catdoc)
and naturally, it's extensible
- images are retrieved in fileDisplay way based on file extension
16 years ago
Julio Montoya
[svn r17607] The group/user select filter in the agenda tool was fixed, it depends now in the permissions of the group see FS#3433 requires testing
16 years ago
Marco Villegas
[svn r17606] search: fix general process results
merge results instead of overwrite the array
16 years ago
Cristian Fasanando
[svn r17605] Logic Changes - Fixed bug founded in learning path score and when you display a exercise item should show check icon when the exercise is over see FS#3427
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17604] FS#2970 - FCKEditor: Reading the parameter, which tells whether simple or advanced file manager is to be used.
16 years ago
Marco Villegas
[svn r17603] search: links tool: implements indexing and processor
16 years ago
Marco Villegas
[svn r17602] search: minor: avoid warnings, use correct lang vars and clean some code
16 years ago
Yannick Warnier
[svn r17601] DLTT import
16 years ago
Cristian Fasanando
[svn r17600] Logic Changes - Fixed little bugs founded in agenda see FS#3433
16 years ago
Yannick Warnier
[svn r17598] Fixes to latest commits
16 years ago
Yannick Warnier
[svn r17597] Fix parse error in php code
16 years ago
Yannick Warnier
[svn r17596] removed zip file
16 years ago
Ivan Tcholakov
[svn r17592] FS#2970 - Advanced file manager, Blogs tool: Passing the setting "advanced_filemanager" to FCKEditor's javascripts.
16 years ago