$BookingPeriodToSmall = "The booking period is to small.";
$BookingPeriodToBig = "The booking period is to big.";
$BookingPeriodTimePickerError1 = "A booking period without a timepicker can not be made if the minimum and maximum time of a chunck differs from zero.";
$BookingPeriodTimePickerError2 = "A booking period with a timepicker can not be made if the maximum time is smaller than the minimum time of a chunck.";
$BookingPeriodTimePickerError3 = "A booking period with a timepicker can not be made if the maximum time of a chunck doesn\'t fit between the start and end date.";
$BookingPeriodHasSubscriptions = "The booking period has #NUM# active reservation(s), modifying the booking period is not possible";
$TimePickerMaxUsers = "* When the timepicker is being used, the maximum number of subscriptions is being ignored.";
$TimePickerMinMaxNull = "* If the minimum and maximum value of the timepicker is zero, the time can be chosen variably.";
$ReservationOutOfDate = "The date you have choosen is already in use and/or is not the reservation period from #START# until #END#";
$ReservationAlready = "You already made a reservation for this item";
$ReservationMadeTitle = "You made a succesfull reservation for #ITEM#";
$ReservationMadeMessage = "Dear Sir/Madam,\\n\\nYour reservation for #ITEM# from #START# until #END# is succesfull. ";
$ReservationDeleteTitle = "A booking period of #NAME# has been deleted";
$ReservationDeleteMessage = "Dear Sir/Madam,\\nThe reservation period of #NAME# from #START# until #END# has been removed";
$OutPeriod = "Out period";
$ReservationFromUntilError = "The booking period from #START# until #END# hasn\'t been made because a part of the booking period is already taken\\n ";
$RepeatFor = "Repeat every";
$RepeatUntil = "Repeat until";
$Recurrence = "Recurrence";
$NoRecurrence = "No recurrence";
$UntilRecurrence = "Use recurrence";
$TimePickerLimitation = "* When the timepicker is being used, the start and enddate must be the same.";
$ReservationActive = "Reservation is active again, #NAME# is available again";
$ReservationUnavailable = "Dear Sir/Madam,\\n\\nItem #NAME# is temporary unavailable so your reservation from #BEGIN# till #END# has been cancelled.\\nYou will get an email when its available again, we excuse us for the inconvenience. ";
$ReservationAvailable = "Dear Sir/Madam,\\n\\nWe wish to inform you that #NAME# is available again so your reservation from #BEGIN# till #END# is active again.";