$lang_add_prereq = "Add/edit prerequisities to this step";
$lang_delete_learnpath_item = "Delete step";
$lang_learnpath_item_edited = "The learning path step has been modified";
$lang_prereq_deleted_error = "Has been deleted !";
$lang_none = "NONE";
$lang_forum_opened = "The selected forum has been opened in a new window.";
$lang_link_opened = "The selected link has been opened in a new window.";
$lang_short_help = "To add a step, click on the cross; to add new title/description, click on the pencil; to add prerequisities click on the icon with two documents. You can check what the students will see by clicking on Student View on top.";
$lang_prereq_not_complete = "prerequisites are not complete";
$langLearnPathAdded = "Your learning path has been succesfully created adnd has been added to the left menu. You can now ad modules and steps to your learning path. The usage of chapters is optional for a subtler structure.";
$langPrereqFirstNeedTo = " you need first accomplish ";
$langPrereqModuleMinimum1 = "Minimum 1 step is missing from ";
$langPrereqModuleMinimum2 = " which is set as prerequisities.";
$langPrereqTestLimit1 = " you must reach minimum ";
$langPrereqTestLimit2 = " points in ";
$langPrereqTestLimitNow = "Now you have : ";
$langLearnpathExitFullScreen = "back to normal screen";
$langLearnpathFullScreen = "full screen";
$langItemMissing1 = "There was a ";
$langItemMissing2 = "page (step) here in the original Dokeos Learning Path.";
$langDone = "Done";
$langNoItemSelected = "To display something here, please select an item from the side menu";
$langNewDocumentCreated = "The new document has been created.";
$langEditCurrentChapter = "Edit the current chapter";
$langditCurrentModule = "Edit the current module";
$langCreateTheDocument = "Create the document";
$langMoveTheCurrentDocument = "Move the current document";
$langEditTheCurrentDocument = "Edit the current document";
$langWarning = "Warning !";
$langWarningEditingDocument = "When you edit an existing document in the Learning Path, the new version of the document will not overwrite the old version but will be saved as a new document. If you want to edit a document definitively, you can do that with the document tool.";
$langDirectory = "Directory";
$langCreateTheExercise = "Create the exercise";
$langMoveTheCurrentExercise = "Move the current exercise";
$langEditCurrentExecice = "Edit the current exercise";
$AddLpIntro = "<strong>Welcome</strong> to Dokeos Learning path authoring tool";
$AddLpIntro = "<strong>Welcome</strong> to Dokeos Learning path authoring tool.<br/>You will be able to create your learning path step by step. The structure of your learning path will appear in a menu on the left.";
$AddLpToStart = "To start, give a title to your learning path";