Chamilo is a learning management system focused on ease of use and accessibility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<?php /*
for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
$PublishSurvey = "Publikuj ankiet&#281;";
$CompareQuestions = "Por<EFBFBD>wnaj pytania";
$SurveyTitle = "Nazwa ankiety";
$SurveyIntroduction = "Wprowadzenie do ankiety";
$CreateNewSurvey = "Nowa ankieta";
$Survey = "Ankieta";
$SurveyTemplate = "Szablon ankiety";
$PleaseEnterSurveyTitle = "Prosz&#281; wpisa&#263; nazw&#281; ankiety";
$PleaseEnterValidDate = "Prosz&#281; poda&#263; poprawn&#261; dat&#281;";
$NotPublished = "Nie opublikowano";
$AdvancedReportDetails = "Zaawansowany raport pozwala wybra&#263; u&#380;ytkownika i odpowiedzi w celu uzyskania szczeg<EFBFBD>&#322;owych danych";
$AdvancedReport = "Zaawansowany raport";
$CompleteReport = "Kompletny raport";
$OnlyThoseAddresses = "Wy&#347;lij ankiet&#281; tylko do tych adres<EFBFBD>w";
$BackToQuestions = "Powr<EFBFBD>t do pytania";
$SelectWhichLanguage = "Zaznacz w jakim j&#281;zyku ma by&#263; utworzona ankieta";
$CreateInAnotherLanguage = "Utw<EFBFBD>rz ankiet&#281; w innym j&#281;zyku";
$ExportInExcel = "Eksport do Excela";
$ClickHereToOpenSurvey = "Kliknij aby rozpocz&#261;&#263; ankiet&#281;";
$ViewSurvey = "Widok ankiety";
$Thanks = "Informacja zwrotna";
$SurveyReporting = "Raportowanie ankiety";
$NoSurveyAvailable = "Brak dost&#281;pnych ankiet";
$CreateFromExistingSurvey = "Utw<EFBFBD>rz z istniej&#261;cej ankiety";
$Publish = "Publikuj ankiet&#281;";
$SearchASurvey = "Szukaj ankiety";
$SurveysOfAllCourses = "Ankieta(-y) wszystkich kurs<EFBFBD>w";
$PleaseSelectAChoice = "Prosz&#281; dokona&#263; wyboru";
$AddAnotherQuestion = "Dodaj nowe pytanie";
$IsShareSurvey = "Udost&#281;pnij ankiet&#281; innym";
$Proceed = "Kontynuuj ";
$ViewQuestions = "Podgl&#261;d pyta&#324;";
$CreateSurvey = "Utw<EFBFBD>rz ankiet&#281;";
$FinishSurvey = "Zako&#324;cz ankiet&#281;";
$DeleteSurvey = "Usu&#324; ankiet&#281; ";
$SurveyList = "Lista ankiet";
$SaveAndExit = "Zapisz i wyjd&#378;";
$ViewAnswers = "Zobacz odpowiedzi";
$SurveyName = "Nazwa ankiety";
$EditSurvey = "Edytuj ankiet&#281;";
$ModifySurvey = "Modyfikuj ankiet&#281;";
$CreateQuestionSurvey = "Utw<EFBFBD>rz pytanie";
$ModifyQuestionSurvey = "Zmie&#324; pytanie";