$PermissionsForNewFilesComment = "The ability to define the permissions settings to assign to every newly created file lets you improve security against attacks by hackers uploading dangerous content to your portal. The default setting (0550) should be enough to give your server a reasonable protection level. The given format uses the UNIX terminology of Owner-Group-Others with Read-Write-Execute permissions.
If you use Oogie, take care that the user who launch OpenOffice can write files in the course folder.";
$ParticipateInCommunityDevelopment = "Participate in development";
$langCourseAdmin = "course manager";
$langOtherCourses = "other courses";
$PlatformLanguageTitle = "Platform Language";
$ServerStatusComment = "What sort of server is this? This enables or disables some specific options. On a development server there is a translation feature functional that inidcates untranslated strings";
$ServerStatusTitle = "Server Type";
$PlatformLanguages = "Dokeos Platform Languages";
$PlatformLanguagesExplanation = "This tool manages the language selection menu on the login page. As a platform administrator you can decide which languages should be available for your users.";
$emailAdministratorComment = "The e-mail address of the Platform Administrator (appears in the footer on the left)";
$administratorSurnameTitle = "Platform Administrator: Family Name";
$administratorSurnameComment = "The Family Name of the Platform Administrator (appears in the footer on the left)";
$administratorNameTitle = "Platform Administrator: First Name";
$administratorNameComment = "The First Name of the Platform Administrator (appears in the footer on the left)";
$ShowAdministratorDataTitle = "Platform Administrator Information in footer";
$ShowAdministratorDataComment = "Show the Information of the Platform Administrator in the footer?";
$HomepageViewTitle = "Homepage View";
$HomepageViewComment = "How do you want the homepage of a course to look like? ";
$HomepageViewDefault = "Two column layout. Inactive tools are hidden";
$HomepageViewFixed = "Three column layout. Inactive tools are greyed out (Icons stay on their place)";
$Yes = "Yes";
$No = "No";
$ShowToolShortcutsTitle = "Tool Shortcuts";
$ShowToolShortcutsComment = "Show the tool shortcuts in the banner?";
$ShowStudentViewTitle = "Student View";
$ShowStudentViewComment = "Enable Student View?<br>This feature allows the teacher to see what a student gets to see.";
$AllowGroupCategories = "Group categories";
$AllowGroupCategoriesComment = "Allow course admins to create categories in the group module?";
$PlatformLanguageComment = "You can determine the platform languages in a different part of the platform administration, namely: <ahref=\"languages.php\">Dokeos Platform Languages</a>";
$PlatformLanguageTitle = "Platform Language";
$ProductionServer = "Production Server";
$TestServer = "Test Server";
$ShowOnlineTitle = "Who\'s Online";
$AsPlatformLanguage = "as platformlanguage";
$ShowOnlineComment = "Display the number of persons that are online? ";
$AllowNameChangeTitle = "Allow Name Change in profile?";
$AllowNameChangeComment = "Is the user allowed to change his/her firste and last name? ";
$DefaultDocumentQuotumComment = "What is the default quotum for the documents tool? You can override the quota for specific courses through: platform administration > Courses > modify";
$ProfileChangesTitle = "Profile";
$ProfileChangesComment = "Which parts of the profile can be changed?";
$SplitUsersUploadDirectoryComment = "On very high-usage portals, where a lot of users are registered and send their pictures, the upload directory (main/upload/users/) might contain too many files for the filesystem to handle (it has been reported with more than 36000 files on a Debian server). Changing this option will enable a one-level splitting of the directories in the upload directory. 9 directories will be used in the base directory and all subsequent users\' directories will be stored into one of these 9 directories. The change of this option will not affect the directories structure on disk, but will affect the behaviour of the Dokeos code, so if you change this option, you have to create the new directories and move the existing directories by yourself on te server. Be aware that when creating and moving those directories, you will have to move the directories of users 1 to 9 into subdirectories of the same name. If you are not sure about this option, it is best not to activate it.";
$AllowUserHeadingsComment = "Can a course admin define user headings to retrieve additional user information?";
$Platform = "Platform";
$Course = "Course";
$Languages = "Languages";
$Privacy = "Privacy";
$NoticeTitle = "Title of Notice";
$NoticeText = "Text of Notice";
$LinkName = "Text of Link";
$LinkURL = "URL of Link";
$OpenInNewWindow = "Open in new window";
$langLimitUsersListDefaultMaxComment = "In the screens allowing addition of users to courses or classes, if the first non-filtered list contains more than this number of users, then default to the first letter (A)";
$DummyCourseDescription = "This will add some dummy (example) content to this course. This is only meant for testing purposes.";
$AvailablePlugins = "These are the plugins that have been found on your system. You can download additional plugins on <ahref=\"http://www.dokeos.com/extensions/index.php?section=plugins\">http://www.dokeos.com/extensions/index.php?section=plugins</a>";
$CreateVirtualCourse = "Create a virtual course";
$DisplayListVirtualCourses = "Display list of virtual courses";
$LinkedToRealCourseCode = "Linked to real course code";
$AttemptedCreationVirtualCourse = "Attempted creation of virtual course...";
$WantedCourseCode = "Wanted course code";
$ResetPassword = "Reset password";
$CheckToSendNewPassword = "Check to send new password";
$AutoGeneratePassword = "Automattically generate a new password";
$UseDocumentTitleTitle = "Use a title for the document name";
$UseDocumentTitleComment = "This will allow the use of a title for document names instead of document_name.ext";
$StudentPublications = "Student publications";
$PermanentlyRemoveFilesTitle = "Deleted files cannot be restored";
$PermanentlyRemoveFilesComment = "Deleting a file in the documents tool permanently deletes it. The file cannot be restored";
$ClassName = "Class name";
$DropboxMaxFilesizeTitle = "Dropbox: Maximum filesize of a dropbox document";
$DropboxMaxFilesizeComment = "How big (in bytes) can a dropbox document be?";
$DropboxAllowOverwriteTitle = "Dropbox: Can documents be overwritten";
$DropboxAllowOverwriteComment = "Can the original document be overwritten when a students or teacher uploads a document with the name of a document that already exist? If you answer yes then you loose the versioning mechanism";
$DropboxAllowJustUploadTitle = "Dropbox: Upload to own dropbox?";
$DropboxAllowJustUploadComment = "Allow teachers and student to upload documents to their own dropbox without sending them to anyone (=sending the documents to themselves)";
$DropboxAllowStudentToStudentComment = "Allow students to send documents to other students (peer 2 peer, P2P exchange). Students might use this for less relevant documents also (mp3, solutions, ...). If you disable this then the student can only send documents to the teachers";
$PermissionsForNewDirs = "Permissions for new directories";
$PermissionsForNewDirsComment = "The ability to define the permissions settings to assign to every newly created directory lets you improve security against attacks by hackers uploading dangerous content to your portal. The default setting (0770) should be enough to give your server a reasonable protection level. The given format uses the UNIX terminology of Owner-Group-Others with Read-Write-Execute permissions.";
$administratorTelephoneComment = "The telephone number of the platform administrator";
$SendMailToNewUser = "Send mail to new user";
$ExtendedProfileTitle = "Extended profile";
$ExtendedProfileComment = "If this setting is set to \'True\', a user can fill in following (optional) fields: \'My competences\', \'My diplomas\', \'What I am able to teach\' and \'My personal open area\' ";
$Classes = "Classes";
$UserUnsubscribed = "User is now unsubscribed";
$CannotUnsubscribeUserFromCourse = "User can not be unsubscribed from course. This user is a course administrator.";
$InvalidStartDate = "Invalid start date was given.";
$InvalidEndDate = "Invalid end date was given.";
$DateFormatLabel = "(d/m/y h:m)";
$HomePageFilesNotWritable = "Homepage-files are not writable!";
$PleaseEnterNoticeText = "Please give a notice text";
$PleaseEnterNoticeTitle = "Please give a notice title";
$PleaseEnterLinkName = "Plese give a link name";
$InsertThisLink = "Insert this link";
$FirstPlace = "First place";
$After = "after";
$DropboxAllowGroupTitle = "Dropbox: allow group";
$DropboxAllowGroupComment = "Users can send files to groups ";
$ClassDeleted = "The class is deleted";
$ClassesDeleted = "The classes are deleted";
$NoUsersInClass = "No users in this class";
$UsersAreSubscibedToCourse = "The selected users are subscribed to the selected courses";
$InvalidTitle = "Please enter a title";
$CatCodeAlreadyUsed = "This category is already used";
$PleaseEnterCategoryInfo = "Please enter a code and a name for the category";
$DokeosHomepage = "Dokeos Homepage";
$DokeosForum = "Dokeos Forum ";
$RegisterYourPortal = "Register your portal ";
$DokeosExtensions = "Dokeos Extensions";
$ShowNavigationMenuTitle = "Tool Menu";
$ShowNavigationMenuComment = "Should a tool navigation menu be used?";
$LoginAs = "Login as";
$ImportClassListCSV = "Import class list via CSV";
$ShowOnlineWorld = "Display number of users online on the login page (visible for the world)";
$ShowOnlineUsers = "Display number of users online all pages (visible for the persons who are logged in)";
$ShowOnlineCourse = "Display number of users online in this course";
$ShowNavigationMenuComment = "Display a navigation menu that makes it easy to go to different areas of the course.";
$ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuTitle = "Show icons in navigation menu?";
$SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = "Focus on right";
$SeeAllRightsAllRolesForSpecificLocation = "Focus on location";
$ClassesUnsubscribed = "The selected classes were unsubscribed from the selected courses";
$ClassesSubscribed = "The selected classes were subscribed to the selected courses";
$RoleId = "Role ID";
$RoleName = "Role name";
$RoleType = "Type";
$RightValueModified = "The value has been modified.";
$MakeAvailable = "Make available";
$MakeUnavailable = "Make unavailable";
$CampusHomepage = "Campus Homepage";
$Stylesheets = "Style sheets";
$DefaultDokeosStyle = "Default Dokeos style";
$ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuComment = "Should the navigation menu show the different tool icons?";
$Plugin = "Plugin";
$MainMenu = "Main menu";
$MainMenuLogged = "Main menu after login";
$Banner = "Banner";
$DokeosAdminWebLinks = "Dokeos Web";
$ImageResizeTitle = "Resize uploaded user images";
$ImageResizeComment = "User images can be resized on upload if PHP is compiled with the <ahref=\\\"http://php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php\\\"target=\\\"_blank\\\">GD library</a>. If GD is unavailable, this setting will be silently ignored.";
$MaxImageWidthTitle = "Maximum user image width";
$MaxImageWidthComment = "Maximum width in pixels of a user image. This setting only applies if user images are set to be resized on upload.";
$MaxImageHeightTitle = "Maximum user image height";
$MaxImageHeightComment = "Maximum height in pixels of a user image. This setting only applies if user images are set to be resized on upload.";
$YourVersionNotUpToDate = "Your version is not up-to-date";
$YourVersionIs = "Your version is";
$PleaseVisitDokeos = "Please visit Dokeos";
$VersionUpToDate = "Your version is up-to-date";
$ConnectSocketError = "Socket Connection Error";
$SocketFunctionsDisabled = "Socket connections are disabled";
$ShowEmailAddresses = "Show email addresses";
$ShowEmailAddressesComment = "Show email addresses to users";
$langVisioconfDescription = "Dokeos Live Conferencing<EFBFBD> is a standard tool of visioconference which offers : displaying of diapos, whiteboard to draw and write, audio/video duplex, chat. It requires just the Flash<EFBFBD> player and permits to use three modes : one2one, one2many et many2many. ";
$langSearchEngineDescription = "Full Text Search Engine allow you to search a word through the whole platform. The daily indexation of the contents assure you from the quality of the results.";
$langListSession = "Sessions list";
$AddSession = "Add a session";
$langImportSessionListXMLCSV = "Import sessions in XML/CSV format";
$VersionCheckExplanation = "In order to enable the automatic version checking you have to register your campus on dokeos.com. The information obtained by clicking this button is only for internal use and only aggregated data will be publicly available (total number of campusses, total number of dokeos courses, total number of dokeos students, ...) (see <ahref=\"http://www.dokeos.com/stats/\">http://www.dokeos.com/stats/</a>. When registering you will also appear on the worldwide list (<ahref=\"http://www.dokeos.com/community.php\">http://www.dokeos.com/community.php</a>. If you do not want to appear in this list you have to check the checkbox below. The registration is as easy as it can be: you only have to click this button: <br/>";
$StudentViewEnabledComment = "Enable the student view, which allows a teacher or admin to see a course as a student would see it";
$TimeLimitWhosonlineTitle = "Time limit on WhoIsOnline";
$TimeLimitWhosonlineComment = "This time limit defines for how many seconds after his last action a user will be considered *online*";
$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationTitle = "Example material on course creation";
$ExampleMaterialCourseCreationComment = "Create example material automatically when creating a new course";
$AccountValidDurationTitle = "Account validity";
$AccountValidDurationComment = "A user account is valid for this number of days after creation";
$UseSessionModeTitle = "Use session mode";
$UseSessionModeComment = "Sessions give a different way of dealing with courses, where course have a creator, a coach and students. Each coach gives a course for a set period of time, called a *session*, to a set of students";
$BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageComment = "The breadcrumb is the horizontal links navigation system usually in the top left of your page. This option selects what you want to appear in the breadcrumb on courses\' homepages";
$CampusHomepageMainArea = "Campus homepage main area";
$CampusHomepageMenu = "Campus homepage menu";
$MyCoursesMainArea = "Courses main area";
$MyCoursesMenu = "Courses menu";
$Header = "Header";
$Footer = "Footer";
$PublicPagesComplyToWAITitle = "Public pages compliance to WAI";
$PublicPagesComplyToWAIComment = "WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) is an initiative to make the web more accessible. By selecting this option, the public pages of Dokeos will become more accessible. This also means that some content on the portal\'s public pages might appear differently.";
$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh = "Sum of the time spent in a course";
$Ajax_course_tracking_refresh_comment = "This option is used to calculate in real time the time that a user spend in a course. The value in the field is the refresh interval in seconds. To desactivate this option, let the default value 0 in the field.";
$YesAddCSVHeader = "Yes, add the CSV header<br/>This line defines the fields and is necessary when you want to import the file in a different Dokeos campus";
$UploadExtensionsListType = "Type of filtering on document uploads";
$UploadExtensionsListTypeComment = "Whether you want to use the blacklist or whitelist filtering. See blacklist or whitelist description below for more details.";
$UploadExtensionsBlacklistComment = "The blacklist is used to filter the files extensions by removing (or renaming) any file which extension figures in the blacklist below. The extensions should figure without the leading dot (.) and separated by semi-column (;) like the following: exe;com;bat;scr;php. Files without extension are accepted. Letter casing (uppercase/lowercase) doesn\'t matter.";
$UploadExtensionsWhitelistComment = "The whitelist is used to filter the files extensions by removing (or renaming) any file which extension does *NOT* figure in the whitelist below. It is generally considered as a safer but more restrictive approach to filtering. The extensions should figure without the leading dot (.) and separated by semi-column (;) like the following: htm;html;txt;doc;xls;ppt;jpg;jpeg;gif;sxw . Files without extension are accepted. Letter casing (uppercase/lowercase) doesn\'t matter.";
$UploadExtensionsSkipComment = "If you choose to skip, the files filtered through the blacklist or whitelist will not be uploaded to the system. If you choose to rename them, their extension will be replaced by the one defined in the extension replacement setting. Beware that renaming doesn\'t really protect you, and may cause name collision if several files of the same name but different extensions exist.";
$UploadExtensionsReplaceByComment = "Enter the extension that you want to use to replace the dangerous extensions detected by the filter. Only needed if you have selected a filter by replacement.";
$EphorusDescription = "Start using the Ephorus anti plagiarism service in Dokeos.<br/><STRONG>With Ephorus, you will prevent internet plagiarism without any additional effort.</STRONG><br/> You can use our unique open standard webservice to build your own integration or you can use one of our Dokeos-integration modules.";
$ShowTabsComment = "Check the tabs you want to see appear in the header. The unchecked tabs will appear on the right hand menu on the campus homepage and my courses page if these need to appear";
$DefaultForumViewTitle = "Default forum view";
$DefaultForumViewComment = "What should be the default option when creating a new forum. Any course administrator can however choose a different view for every individual forum";
$ShowTabsTitle = "Tabs";
$ShowTabsComment = "Which of the following tabs have to be displayed?";